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The La Fresh Tech Pack Review


When at home or in the office it’s generally not a problem to reach for the industrial size container of whatever cleaner you might need as situations occur. But when on the go, it is hardly ever practical to carry along samples of the various cleaning products you might wish for throughout the day. To the rescue comes La Fresh, with their Tech Pack. Let’s peek inside and see if this is something you might be willing to throw in your bag…

The La Fresh Tech Pack Review

Inside the resealable and reusable 7″ long (6″ if you cut off the hang tab section) x 4.5″ wide bag are the following single serve packets:

Smudges on my laptop, PDA screen, or sunglasses make the compulsive in me come out, which makes no sense (at all!) when you consider that there are dust bunnies under my desk; I can be a spazz like that, tho.

The La Fresh Tech Pack Review

Perfect for cleaning your hands, your glasses, or your PDA screen, the Tech Pack’s clear plastic zipping baggy is sized so that it can be thrown into any gear bag, purse, or carry-on. It is touted as being “airport security friendly”, and I can see why – they aren’t little bottles of fluid.

The La Fresh Tech Pack Review

There’s really not much to say here other than that the packets are convenient, and they work as advertised. I used a single screen cleaner duo-pack to take care of my MacBook Pro and MacBook Air monitors, the screens on the MWg Zinc II, Vertu Ascent, i-mate 8502 and 6150, as well as the HTC Universal I had lying on my desk; I could have cleaned even more screens if I had had more screens to clean, so instead I wiped down my two laptops’ keyboards. 😉

I also used a single lens cleaning towelette to clean two pairs of sunglasses, and a travel wipe took care of my hands. The first thing I noticed is that they all had very light scents, nothing overbearing or too perfumey. I appreciated that the sunglasses and screen cleaners didn’t leave streaks, too. The Teck Pack and its remaining towelettes are going in my purse, and I suspect that I might “need” to order some refills when these are gone. Thankfully that’s easy enough to do and in bulk, too.

If you have a “thing” about smudges on your screen or dirty hands, if you are a compulsive cleaner who doesn’t want to carry a bottle of fluid along, then you might want to get a Tech Pack, or any of the other specialty wipe kits that La Fresh sells. Keep it clean, kids! 😉

The La Fresh Tech Pack and many other towelette variety kits are available directly from the manufacturer.

MSRP: $9.99 (on sale now for $8.49)
What I Like: Convenient cleaners located in single-serving sizes; the same towelette will last long enough to use it on multiple items; great for traveling; TSA friendly
What Needs Improvement: Kind of pricey, all things considered…you’ve gotta pay for the single-serve convenience packaging, after all

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