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Palm Pre App Catalog. 30 Apps in 30 Days. Day 25: Today Show

Palm Pre App Catalog. 30 Apps in 30 Days. Day 25: Today Show


Let’s have a show of hands.  How many of you watch the Today Show in the morning.  It is pretty hard to miss, since it is about five hours long, yet I manage to do so since I leave the house before 6:00 each morning.  So, I rarely get to watch the show upon which this app is based.

First things first, this may be the most difficult app to look at in the history of mobile apps.  The glaring orange background is almost as painful as the default Sprint yellow background (thank goodness that was not included on the Pre).  I know orange is the official Today Show color…but wow does it hurt my eyes to look at that bright screen.


The app itself is pretty nice, and I think the folks at Zumobi and Today Show did a good job with this one.  The main screen consists of a page of tiles, each of which relates to a segment from the Today show.  Each tile serves as a portal to that segment.  Tap the tile and you will enter a full menu of items.  From there, you can read articles, watch video, or listen to audio recordings.


The Today Show app is a great way to keep up with or follow up on any of the morning’s Today Show stories.  Like I said, I am not a huge fan of the Today Show, but I am a fan of this app.  It does a fantastic job of drawing you into a complete multimedia update of all of the day’s stories.  Other than that orange background, this is one attractive app.

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