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Sudoku (Free) for iPhone/Touch App Review

Sudoku (Free) for iPhone/Touch App Review

Sudoku is a terribly addictive number puzzle game.  The object is to fill in 9×9 grid using numbers 1 through 9 as well as filling them into a 3×3 region with no numbers repeating in rows or columns.  Before the iPhone days, I was hooked on sudoku playing the puzzles on with pencil and paper.  I even used to carry around a little sudoku puzzle book in my bag so I could play when there was a spare moment.  My sudoku play tends to attempt to work quickly and I rarely stop before finishing a puzzle.  The iPhone has changed all of this allowing for easily played and carried games.  Sudoku (free) has met my appetite for the game for almost a year.


  • Unique handcrafted puzzles
  • Styles: standard, symmetrical and patterned
  • Four different skill levels
  • 4 color schemes
  • All notes: Tap the button in the puzzle menu to show all notes.  Tap it again to remove them.
  • Hints, best times, progress statistics, and much more.

Options: All options are on by default, but you can turn them off in the Options menu.

  • Show Incorrect: Shows the incorrect answer in red
  • Smart Buttons: Disables the number button when that number is completed on the game board.
  • Smart Notes: Removes the number from the notes in the box, column, and row that contains the cell with your correct answer

This is yet another straight forward app.  The strength of the app is the game itself.  There is no need for fancy graphics or sounds, just lots of challenging puzzles.

To complete the grids, click in the desired box to highlight, then click the number to place that number in the box.  If the number entered is correct, it will appear in yellow.  An incorrect response will be red.  Four different difficulty levels are available with the more difficult providing fewer completed boxes when the game starts.

One strategy when completing a Sudoku puzzle is to fill in small numbers into the box that are known to be possible solutions.  In the pencil and paper days I would often write them in and erase as the numbers were eliminated when a puzzle had me stumped.   Click note and then click the numbers to enter them into the box.  As the number is eliminated for that row or box, they small note number will disappear.  Personally, I only use this technique on a particularly difficult puzzle.  Clicking the small arrow button on the bottom right will bring up other options including “all notes” and “hint.”  All notes will fill in all possible solutions for every empty box.  This feature is really kind of cheating and takes the fun out of the game, but it is available.  When totally stuck, click hint and a correct number will appear to hopefully kick start production again.

Sudoku (Free) for iPhone/Touch App Review

The only real way to appreciate Sudoku is to play it.  I have found it to be entertaining and relaxing and I get totally addicted to playing.  If you have not played before, download this free app and give it a try.  Develop your own techniques and work to finish easier puzzles as fast as possible while just working to finish more difficult puzzles.  I rarely review free versions of apps, but one is definitely worth a look.  Get it here in the app store for FREE and join the madness that is Sudoku.

What I like: Sudoku and free!  The ability to carry many puzzles in my pocket for free is great.

What can be improved: Nothing yet.  This is feature packed and very polished for a free version of the game.

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