Sometimes it’s the simple apps that really make a difference. That is what Toshl for Android does. Toshl is a simple expense tracker. It doesn’t have a tone of options and it’s not really designed for putting a expense report together for a business. However, what it is good for is tracking personal expenses.
There are basically only two tabs. First is the Timeline. This shows your expenses you have already entered in descending order. The most current expense is at the top. At the bottom you have a add expense button. Tapping that gets you into entry mode.
Once a tag is entered, you do not have to type it again. Even if you delete the original expense, the tag is still available for use. This makes it easy to add future expenses as it cuts down the amount of typing you need to do.
The only other main screen is the tag screen. This sorts the expenses by tags making it easy to figure out where your money goes.
Tapping on any expense brings up the details screen where you can read the description you may have entered. From this screen, you can edit or delete the expense.
Toshl is amazingly simple. It’s so easy to enter expenses that you almost feel obligated to enter them. However, it does take some dedication to use it before the data you can glean from it is useful.
Toshl supports many different currencies and date formats. That makes it useful for our readers in Europe and even in Croatia since it supports the Kuna.
Toshl is available for free on the Android Marketplace. If you have the Barcode Scanner installed, scan the QR Code below and it will take you right to the app on the Marketplace.
What I liked: Dead simple to use. Tagging support makes it easy to categorize expenses.
What needs improvement: About the only thing that may make it more useful is a data export feature. It would be nice to get Toshl data into a spreadsheet.