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Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50


Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

Last night, Navigon released another significant update to their MobileNavigator product for iPhone – version 1.5. In this latest update, we get some interesting features including social networking connections to Facebook and Twitter, we get the presentation of multiple routing choices (Navigon calls this MyRoutes), as well as the addition of a 3D terrain display called Panorama 3D View (for an additional fee).  I went right out and I bought the 3D update and have been taking a look at it as well as the other new features. So let’s go take a quick look at the new features of Navigon MobileNavigator 1.5.

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

On the social networking front, MobileNavigator update 1.5.0 let’s you send your position, destination and ETA to favorite Twitter and Facebook.   If you use either of these social networking services, then you now have a very convenient way to keep your family and friends appraised of your position and trip information!

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

When you calculate a route, MobileNavigator now presents you with not one, but three different routing choices:  One primary, and two alternates.   You select which of the “MyRoutes” you want Navigon to follow!

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

And last, but definitely not least, Navigon has added a feature that they call “Panorama View 3D”.   Basically, they take height and terrain data that they got from NASA and they incorporate it as a new 3D view in the application.  While I don’t really like the name, I definitely like the results!  The Panorama 3D view is the nicest 3D view I have seen yet – it is really stunning!   I’ve included screen shots for a simulation run from Burbank to Pasadena, CA so you can see how the new view looks.  And one of the great things about Navigon and on-board programs like it is that you don’t need a cellular data connection to maintain this map data or the views!

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

The bad news?   The MyRoutes and the Facebook/Twitter integration are free to current Navigon MobileNavigator users, but the Panorama 3D View will cost you $9.99 and is available as an in-app purchase, just like live traffic, and I couldn’t find any reference to it being available for their MyRegion series of products.  But that said, I really think the upgrade fee it was worth the price!

UPDATE:  I was informed by Navigon, that the Panorama 3D View IS available in the MyRegion products – excellent news!

Navigon Pushes out MobileNavigator for iPhone version 1.50

Navigon MobileNavigator is available in the AppStore for a variety of prices (depending on which map set you need).  North America is currently available for $79.99 and Europe is available for $119.99.

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