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Morning Chicness Bags … Making Vomiting Stylish!


Morning Chicness Bags ... Making Vomiting Stylish!

My wife always says that stuff available for pregnant women these days is much more stylish than when she was pregnant. Now I’m not a pregnant woman, nor do I play one on TV, but after the many difficult pregnancies that eventually resulted in our two wonderful boys … I can’t think of anything that would making the vomiting associated with morning sickness stylish. Less Nasty? Perhaps … and in that case, these bags just might do the trick!

Check out the amazing selection of bags:

Morning Chicness Bags ... Making Vomiting Stylish!

So what do you think – is the next big trend just waiting to happen? Assuming you are a woman who was pregnant at some point, would it have made you feel better knowing that while you are heaving your guts out you’re doing it into a really swanky looking bag?

Source: MorningChicnessBags via The PreSurfer

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