from USAToday
There is no question that automation has had an impact on numerous industries and has been responsible for some significant job-loss or, at least, job-shifting.
For example factories now need less people on the line but can output more product at an ever-increasing pace. Yes, the impact is everywhere but this is one place where I never expected to see an issue…
CrunchGear has a post up about a wedding officiated by… a robot. That’s right, the couple didn’t need a priest, or a justice of the peace to tie the knot. Instead the wedding was witnessed by a robot named “I-Fairy”. It makes sense since the couple first met thanks to their shared work-interest in robots but it got me wondering… and a bit worried.
Does it mean that in the future a wedding like Rachel and Tariq’s would look less like this…
and more like this…
Uh Oh, there’s goes my job-security…