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Of Tootsie Pops and nanos…

Of Tootsie Pops and nanos...

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? According to this classic TV ad, it’s three.


How many steps does it take to walk around the larger of the two lakes up here in Pennsylvania?

Thanks to the a nifty but under-appreciated feature of the new iPod nano, I now know it is…


… 4802.

That’s how many of my steps it took while walking, according to the built-in pedometer on the nano.

Sure the new nano is stripped down compared to its predecessor, but the more I use the diminutive music player the more I like it. And this pedometer is just one of the tricks it can do.

Now if only some of the new watchbands for it would start shipping!

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