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Bioserie iPhone 4 Case Review: Made from Plants

Bioserie iPhone 4 Case Review: Made from Plants


I’ve reviewed a ton of cases for the iPhone over the last few years. Cases made from leather, silicone, plastic, metal, felt, fabric and polycarbonate. But the Bioserie case for the iPhone is the first case I’ve reviewed that’s made entirely from advanced bioplastic materials which are derived entirely from plants.

Here’s some technical information from Bioserie on how this is done.

Bioplastics are a variety of plastics derived from renewable biomass sources, such as plant starches or microorganisms, rather than fossil-fuel plastics which are derived from oil. Bioplastics represent a relatively new and very promising field of modern biotechnology. Although they are increasingly used in some areas such as disposable goods and packaging, use of bioplastics in durable consumer goods are still very limited; because many currently available bioplastics lack the performance and ease of processing of traditional oil based plastics.

The Bioserie case for the iPhone is available in 5 color variations (white, green, orange, red and black.) The company was kind enough to send a long a black version for review,

The inside of the case reveals instructions which help you properly install the case. The Bioserie cover isn’t like all the other snap on back covers out there. It features the company’s patented feet which not only serve to lock the case down to the phone but also provide a nice amount of lay on the table design.


The back of the case features a grooved, textured pattern which helps improve grip when grasping the case. There’s also an ample cutout for the iPhone 4’s camera and flash. The material doesn’t attract dust or dirt.


The four corners of the case lock down onto the front of the iPhone 4. This really provides for a superb fit. Some of the snap on back covers I’ve tried in the past fit loose and that results in creaking or flexing when in use. Not the case with the Bioserie. It fits as good as any snap on cover I’ve tested. I did not have any issues with the case bubbling my SGP screen shield either.


As with most snap on back cover style cases the bottom of the phone is fully exposed. But this means it’ll work in most third-party docks, and indeed it fits into both my Griffin Simplifi and my iHome clock radio.


The left side of the case reveals one large cutout making accessing the volume buttons and the vibrate switch a breeze. The case is very light, weighing in at only 12 grams and measuring only 1 mm in thickness.


Like the bottom of the case the top is also fully exposed allowing for easy access to the sleep/awake button, secondary microphone and headset jack.


As you can see in the photo below the case’s feet come up over the corners of the iPhone 4 creating the lay-on-the-table design. If you lay your iPhone 4 down screen first you needn’t fear about dust and other debris on the screen. Your phone’s screen will be elevated enough that anything stuck on the screen won’t rub against the surface of the table.


Each Bioserie case sells for $34.95. But you can get 20% of when you by 2 and 30% when you buy 3. $34.95 isn’t cheap for a snap on back cover case but there’s something said for paying a little bit more for a quality product that helps the environment. The Bioserie cover fits like a glove. It’s one of the few snap on covers that offers lay-on-the-table protection as well.

You can learn more about the Bioserie iPhone 4 case by visiting the company’s website here.

M.S.R.P. – $34.95

What I like – Superb fit, environmentally friendly, lay-on-the-table design.

What I don’t like – Expensive for this style of case.

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