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Pop Goes The Music Diary: It’s Just a SONG, People!


Pop Goes The Music Diary: It's Just a SONG, People!

As our schedules around the house have jumped to ludicrous speed recently I have heard less and less pop music … which as you might guess is fine with me. And what we have been listening to is more focused – my kids used their Best Buy gift cards over spring break so we have new stuff from Kid Cudi, Rise Against, Panic! at the Disco, and DeadMau5 rolling.

Until the other day … when my younger son was using up the remnants of an iTunes gift card. He bought some GrooveMaker packs for his iPod Touch, a few DeadMau5 songs and … Friday by Rebecca Black. It is a song I really don’t like very much, and has apparently become both extremely popular and extremely hated on YouTube.

But it is just a song – a pre-packaged little triviality with heavy vocal processing and auto-tuning, in a trite little video package. It is a classic bit of one-hit wonder material that has been with us for … well, so long as I can remember. Disco Duck, anyone?

Yet it has gone beyond annoying for some, with reports saying that Rebecca Black is now getting death threats:

“In essence, the threats were related to getting the music off the Internet or they were going to kill her,” Anaheim police spokesman Sgt. Rick Martinez said. “We can’t validate how serious they are, but we do take it seriously.”

Seriously people … change the station or step away from YouTube if it that distasteful to you!

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