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Doing Good One App at a Time: Make a Wish Makes an App Wish Come True

Doing Good One App at a Time: Make a Wish Makes an App Wish Come True


The Make a Wish Foundation does some pretty amazing things for some pretty sick kids. Here’s one that brings kindness and tech together.

9 year-old Owain Weinert has pre-B Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. After his diagnosis he reached out to the Make A Wish Foundation who, in turn, reach out to PopCap Games. One thing led to another and before you know it PopCap was working with Owain to create the iOS game Allied Star Police. The game should be available soon.

Seriously, how neat is that???

Personally, I don’t care whether I ever play the game, I’m buying as soon as it is out!

Via nohighscores via gamesetwatch

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