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iPad Insight Highlights Some of the Best Coffee Table Book Apps for iPad


iPad Insight Highlights Some of the Best Coffee Table Book Apps for iPad

We all know the iPad, and its smaller cousin the iPhone, have been able to replace a huge number of different items. Yes, with the right apps the iPad can replace our eReader, our remote control, our video camera and much more. Here’s one other area where the iPad can come in and take over: Coffee Table books. Patrick over on iPad Insight has a list of five coffee table books that are now available on the iPad. Here what he has to say-


The iPad is an amazingly versatile device. It can entertain a small child as easily as it can serve as a critical tool for doctors and medical staff. It can be a productivity workhorse or a great gaming machine – and there are thousands of apps to help turn it into whatever you want it to be.

Among the many flagship iPad apps in many diverse categories, some of my most favorite for just easy, lazy enjoyment on the iPad are Coffee Table Book type apps. I’ve enjoyed some of these tremendously and also got a huge kick out of seeing that my young daughter (8 years old) loves these apps as well. The best of them are brilliantly executed and full of education value for all of us, regardless of age.

So I thought I’d share a selection of the best of breed in this category of apps…


Patrick goes on to list five of his favorites. You can check out his look at all five here: Best Coffee Table Book Apps for iPad — iPad Insight. Who knows, you may find one or two to be worthy additions to your iPads content!

Via iPad Insight

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