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Win up to $10,000 with Verizon’s 4G LTE Field Tester’s Challenge



 Win up to $10,000 with Verizon's 4G LTE Field Tester's Challenge

Are you an aspiring filmmaker? A smartphone owner? If so, it might be time to get down to business making a 60 – second video for Verizon Wireless’ new Field Tester’s Challenge. The premise is simple: create a unique video short showcasing a field test of Verizon’s 4G LTE network. In other words, you’re making an advertisement. Although the video needs a runtime of just a minute, there really aren’t many other restrictions on entries. The full rules and regulations can be found here, though participants may want to get a head start on the project before the contest’s fast approaching August 20th deadline. Areas of particular interest to the cellular giant include download speeds, smooth connections, and mobile coverage.

Need some ideas? Try testing download speeds while waiting for luggage at the airport, or long-distance calling from a speedboat. Really, the possibilities are endless. With Verizon awarding approximately $35,000 is cash prizes, there’s no reason not to give it a shot. Even for you uncreative types, there’s a $500 random drawing, winnable just by sharing videos.

Once again, all the details are here.

Good Luck!


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