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Let the iOS App Updates Begin!

Let the iOS App Updates Begin!


iOS 5.0 is on the way shortly. I’ve been using it since the first beta, and I can guarantee you will love the new features. The ability to edit pictures in the photo app, iMessenger, macro typing shortcuts (ala TextExpander), iCloud, notifications, reminders, improvements to the email app… The list of improvements goes on and on. If you have an iPhone 4 or an iPad 2 you will want to update immediately. If you are using an original iPad or an iPhone 3GS, then I suggest holding off a bit. I’m using the Gold Master on a 3GS and while it works it is a bit sluggish.

When you run Beta software you expect some apps not to work. This was the case with Evernote, some video apps, and a few others. Now that the final release of its 5.0 is on the way however, apps are getting updated. Here are a few favorites that are now fully compatible with the new version of iOS.






We’ll keep you posted on the release of iOS 5.0 and additional app updates.

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