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ifrogz Boost Near Field Speaker: pre-release first look

ifrogz Boost Near Field Speaker: pre-release first look

IMG 6983

I stopped by the ifrogz booth during the first day of CES to see what new offerings they had. In recent years the company has been increasing its selection of ear and headphones and, this year, they are taking things a step further. I got to see their Boost speaker which, when it comes to market this spring will retail for under $40. The size of two or three iPhones stacked on top of one another, the Boost is an unusual item. The company uses the term “near field”: to describe the technology employed but. as Francis was quick to point out, it is a rather loose use of the term. You see, if does’t use NFC communications but rather contains a microphone that grabs the sound of anything placed upon it and amplified it significantly. It does’t provide high-end sound but it is surprisingly good and surprisingly loud.

All of us have been pretty impressed with it and appreciate their giving us one of the very first units for review since it will not make its way into retail until spring. Here’s a first look we shot this morning.

ifrogz Boost Near-Field Audio Amplifying Speaker: First Look

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