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Android Developers Can Now Develop on the go with AIDE


Android Developers Can Now Develop on the go with AIDE

In yesterday’s post about Post-PC or Plus-PC, I mentioned that you could generally not write programs on mobile devices.  This is not true as of today.  As  I was reading through my feeds at lunch, I noticed a story on the Register about AIDE.  AIDE is short for Android IDE or Integrated Development Environment.  An IDE is an editor that is specifically for writing programs.  In this case, you write programs for Android.

AIDE is not necessarily targeted for developers to use their phone to write programs.  It’s targeted at developers using devices like the Asus Transformer and Transformer Prime.  While it is theoretically possible to use your phone to write apps, I can’t imagine anyone who would! 🙂

So why would this be useful to a developer?  Imagine going to a conference with your project stored on your tablet’s MicroSD, and someone runs across a bug.  Now the Android developer can possibly have a chance to fix that bug right then, and give you a copy of the program to try or test it out.  That’s at least one use for it.  I don’t expect anyone to use Android to completely develop an application, but you theoretically could with AIDE!

If you are a developer type of person, download AIDE for free from Google Play.

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