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Tabber Is an Awesome LED Guitar Teaching Sleeve Kickstarter Project!


Tabber Is an Awesome LED Guitar Teaching Sleeve Kickstarter Project!

Apparently interactive guitar training is ‘a thing’, as evidenced by the number of iOS apps designed around teaching you the guitar as a game, and now projects like Tabber that seek to ease your way into learning guitar by putting everything you need right under your fingers.

According to the Kickstarter page:

Tabber is an open-source LED guitar teacher. Tabber creates a whole new field of visual learning for your guitar. We put the notes that you need to play, when you need to play them right on the neck of the guitar. Our LED light sleeve can be placed on or off the guitar at any time. The light system does not affect the sound of the guitar in any way, and its tactual feel is barely noticeable, especially for beginners. The kit contains 13 light strips (12 frets plus open notes) which are all connected to an Arduino Uno processor. Power is supplied through a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. The kit will utilize Bluetooth technology to control all of the lights from your mobile device. You will have an application that you can download to select through songs, chords, scales, light patterns, and lessons, and that’s just the start.

On the sites linked there is an excellent video showing you how it works and how it integrates into the guitar, as well as the future design you are helping to fund. The goal is to do everything they want without impacting your ability to play the guitar.

It is a great looking product and promising project – check it out!

Check out their Kickstarter page, or head to their site for more details!

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