My coworker very excitedly called me to her desk today to show me pictures of a giant rabbit she saw in a pet store (and nearly purchased!) Apparently they are called “Flemish Giants” and can grow to be up to 50lbs!
According to Wikipedia:
Flemish Giants can be docile and tolerant of handling; frequent interaction with humans is a requirement for this to occur. Flemish Giants, like all rabbits, can become fearful, and sometimes violent, if handled incorrectly or irresponsibly. Their larger frame requires special attention paid to the spine alignment when handling a Flemish Giant, or any rabbit for that matter. Consequently, potential owners should consider these factors in addition to their size, level of food consumption, and substantial waste production before buying. The well-being of a Flemish Giant, like all rabbits, is dependent upon the care of a responsible owner. Consequently, rabbits may not be an ideal pet for younger or immature caregivers.
Maybe it’s just me, and my childhood of bunnicula books and Donnie Darko, but a 50lb rabbit sounds incredibly scary. Seriously, these freak me out and there is no way I would not want a rabbit the size of a small child running around my house!
Still think giganto-bunnies are cute? Check out the clip from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. You will no longer be doing the “Awww… how cute!” thing…
Did you know that rabbits can grow to be this size? Would you want one for your pet? And most importantly… do they really taste like chicken? 🙂