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Logos Quiz Game for iPhone/Touch

Logos Quiz Game for iPhone/Touch

Logos Quiz Game for iPhone/Touch

The gaming experience on iOS devices can be much different from the old console days. Most of the games I get hooked on are simple and can be played in small spurts during random times of the day. Many of these games become wildly addicting, even if for a limited amount of time.

Last week, a student came to me and showed me a picture of the Atari logo and asked if I knew what that was. While I was blown away that he did not know this logo that brought me so much joy as a child, I also was reminded that I am getting old. I discovered that nearly the entire Junior class as well as most of my softball team were all playing the same game. They talked me into downloading Logos Quiz Game, and I was instantly addicted. Let’s take a quick look.

Logos Quiz Game for iPhone/Touch

This is fun quiz game that consists of guessing the names of hundreds of logos from different companies. To achieve this you have a lot of clues which you can use to help you complete the game. You can also ask your friends if you don’t know the answer! Challenge them to see who know more logos!

We are continuously surrounded by company logos, we can see them on TV, walking on the street, at important events… everywhere! But, how many of them can you recognize?

If you are blocked and you don’t know the answer for a logo, don’t give up! Use one of the hints that each logo has!

If after using all the hints, you still don’t know the answer, don’t worry! You can always ask your friends through twitter or Facebook, and complete the missing ones with them!

See how many hits, how many misses and how many close ups questions. Check your total score and share it on Facebook or twitter. Compete with your friends!

Logos Quiz Game for iPhone/Touch

Logos Quiz Game has a simple premise. Each level will present users with a list of random logos. Some of the logos are missing parts or words while others are complete. The idea is to name as many as possible. It may sound silly, but it is amazingly addicting.

Tap on a logo to see a larger view of it, and type in the company name. When the correct name is entered, points will be awarded and the logo checked off. Points are higher according to the speed and number of mistakes when correctly entering the logo name. If the name is close, but misspelled or slightly wrong, a yellow sign will indicate the answer is almost correct. A green check will indicate a correct answer. Each new level is open due to the number of total correct responses so you will not have to completely finish each level to move on. If you get stumped, do not worry, for every three hits a hint will be earned. Up to three hints can be used for each logo. The hints vary from company explanations to the number of letters in the name.

Logos Quiz Game for iPhone/Touch

There you have it! A super simple game that is extrememly addictive. While playing the game is easy, mastering the levels is quite difficult. Make sure you brush up on your logo knowledge of cars, restaurants, clothing, beer and airlines. These seem to dominate most of the levels. Everyone I have seen begin playing this game, has become enthralled with finishing each level, and is trying to see what future levels present.

While I cannot explain why, I can say I find the game thoroughly enjoyable. My only complaint is the tiny keyboard. I often know a logo immediately, but a typing error keeps me from getting a perfect score. Go see how many logos you know and download Logos Quiz Game here in the app store for free.

What I like: Simple yet wildly addictive. Extremely fun.

What can be improved: The keyboard layout and size is awful.

Logos Quiz Game for iPhone/Touch

We are all feeling the financial pinch! Blue Plate Special is a weekly review of bargain apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Nothing over $.99.


Current App Bargains:

Wake Smarter-The Voice Controlled Alarm Clock

On sale from $2.99 to free.

PICTURE THIS SCENE: You’ve just woken up to songs from your favorite playlist or perhaps your favorite internet radio channel and you’d like to know if it’s going to rain today, or perhaps the score of last night’s football match, or how about what your friends are saying on Facebook or Twitter. With Wake Smarter you can hear it all from the comfort of your bed!

This is the first app that lets you customize your alarm with the information that you want to hear, when you want to hear it. Set your alarm with the following options, in any order you choose:

• Internet radio or songs from your playlist
• Local or world news stories
• Weather & forecast reports for the day
• Events listed in your personal calendar
• Birthday reminders for family & friends
• Facebook postings or Twitter feeds
• Pre-recorded “celebrity” wake up messages
• Sport scores, traffic reports or your favorite blog
• Your horoscope, the joke of the day or a daily inspirational quote
• Your own voice recorded message
• Custom messages that you type and have read to you
• Over 20 unique alarm sounds

** Fall Asleep a Little Easier Tonight **

Fall asleep to your favorite music, relaxing ambient sounds, podcasts or even audio books and Wake Smarter will automatically stop the sleep timer once the time runs out that you set.

** Wake Up With A Smile Every Day **

Logos Quiz Game for iPhone/Touch

WoW Camera Pro:

On sale from $1.99 to free.

? Basic Shots and Control
You can take normal HD quality photos and use all the basic shot control features.
1. Switching FRONT/REAR camera.
2. SELF TIMER shot : 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 seconds.
3. Displaying GRID to help positioning.
4. ANY TOUCH: take photo by touching anywhere on the screen.
5. FLASH control: auto/on/off
6. Mirroring self shot image(left/right)
7. Zoom (6x)

? Real-Time Filters
It’s real-time, you can see the effect of the filters before you take photo. Three kinds of filters are provided. “Magic effects” distort the image in funny ways. “Color effects” transform the color of the image to generate different look and feel, and “Thin effect” makes you thinner than you look.

Magic Effects – Evil Look, Mosaic, Stretch, Mirror Left/Right, Mirror Up/Down, Mirror Four-way, Spiral, Wave1, Wave2, Squeeze, ConvexLens, ConcaveLens (Total 12 effects).

Color Effects – Grayscale, Sepia, RedEye, Cartoon, Sketch, Charcoal, Lomo, Pencil Sketch, Pastel Sketch, X-Ray, Inversion, Brightness, GreenEye, Contrast, Old, Color channel switch(R-G, R-B, G-B) (total 18 effects).

? Folder Manager
Organize your photos using folders. You can add/remove folders anytime you want. The number of folders are unlimited. You can also make secure folders to protect your privacy by assigning passcodes to the folders.

? Photo Browser
Our photo browser allows you to choose the thumbnail size. If you want to see more images in a page, choose smaller thumbnail size.

? Photo Editor
Photo editor provides various means to retouch your photo. Add speech-bubbles, stickers and text-boxes to decorate the image. Off-line filters allow you to transform the image in different ways. You can see the preview of those off-line filters before you apply them. You can also rotate and crop the image as you want.

? Cartoon
Make your own photo story by merging your photos. WoWCamera does not provide any pre-defined layout. Instead, you can design any layout you want by merging cells of the frame. Design your layout and put your photos in the cell. It’s all you need to do.

? Beautify
Your face may look bad today. Here’s a cure for you. Take a photo and beautify it. It tries to eliminate troubles on your face to make you look better than you do.

? Import/Export Photos from/to iPhone.
WoW Camera can import/export photos from/to iPhone’s Album.

? SNS & eMail
Share with friends via SNS: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and eMail.

? WiFi (New!)
You can transfer photos from/to PC/Mac using web browsers..

Logos Quiz Game for iPhone/Touch

Luminous Player:

On sale from $1.99 to free.

* Play your own itunes music (no importing needed)
* Cool spectral view.
* Cool preset equalizers.(EQ)

* Cool preset effect

* Cool preset colors
* Twitter post.
* Retina ready* Airplay ready
* Background music play ready.

Logos Quiz Game for iPhone/Touch

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