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Star Wars Burlesque! (NSFW)

Star Wars Burlesque! (NSFW)
Star Wars Burlesque! (NSFW)

A friend of mine sent me the link to this amazing new “Star Wars” themed show on Facebook, and now I really wish I had the vacation time and disposable income to visit Australia. Not only does it look beautiful but they have a very… Uhm… creative take on the Star Wars mythology. Again, warning, this is not suitable for kids, workplace, or anyone who doesn’t want to think about C3PO that way. Check it out.

Sadly, I am guessing it will be some time before we see this show hit the states. Hopefully, it has a nice long run in Australia —that will give me some time to save up! And if you are in Australia, head over to Star Wars Burlesque to find out tour dates and details!


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