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Two Weeks Until the Olympics!

Two Weeks Until the Olympics!
Two Weeks Until the Olympics!

(image courtesy London 2012)

There are only 15 days until the Summer Olympics! Are you excited yet? Of course, until the opening ceremonies all we have are the trickle of bits and pieces of trivia and news on the coverage, but it’s better than nothing!

First of all, NBC and Facebook will be working together to promote the games. Apparently it’s a better deal if you plan to watch through the BBC, since you can stream right from Facebook there, but if you are watching on NBC there will be some synergy at least.

Even better, the New York Times is going to be holding Google+ hangouts with select Olympians. Their full schedule is here, and it looks like they have a few marathoners, a diver, and tennis players, so be sure to venture over to Google+ if any of those catch your fancy. Bonus points if it’s the first time you’ve head to G+ since you signed up (kidding, kidding!)

While it’s all good news for viewers and fans, there is some less exciting news for actual medal winners-apparently the gold medals aren’t all gold. For cost reasons, the gold medals are silver with some gold for color; apparently a pure gold medal would run $20,000. Now THAT would be an incentive to win your event!

If you’re looking forward to the Olympics, you can check out the full schedule of events on their official website, and let us know in the comments: What event are you most excited for? Personally I am excited for the women’s marathon, but really, I will watch anything!

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