The other day Chris published a post entitled, “In an Apple and Everything Else Funk“. As he noted in it
Lately I’ve been in a funk. I thought, at first, it was an Apple funk. I thought it might be about the fact that Apple today doesn’t seem to have the same excitement and vision as it did under Steve Jobs. I thought it might be about a sequence of products that is becoming very evolutionary instead of revolutionary. I thought it was about Apple and where it might be heading.
But it’s more than that. It’s about where the mobile industry as a whole is heading. It’s about what kinds of things we think are important (and it’s not about the gadgets anymore). It’s kind of a “sick of the whole mobile platform wars” funk. Yeah – not good for a gadget guy.
He called it a funk… I call it bored so Mike and I asked the question… Are We Bored Yet? Here’s our answer.