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Gear Diary Video Chat – Smartphone vs Smartphone Edition … and More!


Gear Diary Video Chat - Smartphone vs Smartphone Edition ... and More!

For the last couple of Gear Chats, Dan and I have compared and contrasted things we both owned – the Google Nexus 7 and Amazon Kindle Fire HD. But as I have been greatly enjoying the Samsung Galaxy S III the great folks at US Cellular have provided me for review, and Dan has had his iPhone 5 for a bit, it seemed like a great opportunity for us to discuss the things we thought about what are arguably the ‘twin flagships’ of the iOS and Android world.

Of course, from there we veer off into discussions of other things like laptops, iPad Mini, iPods, and so on. But the central focus gets back to Galaxy vs. iPhone, Android vs. iOS … and makes for some interesting discussion.

Come along for a wild ride with us – check out the video!

Gear Chat- Smartphone v Smartphone

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