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Accell DisplayPort/Mini DisplayPort to DVI-D Dual-Link Adapter Review


Accell DisplayPort/Mini DisplayPort to DVI-D Dual-Link Adapter Review

The older I get the more changes happen to laptops over the years.  It seems like the 15 pin VGA port has been around forever.  That’s why I was surprised that my current laptop does not have a standard VGA port.  This makes it difficult for this laptop to work with many projectors in my workplace.  That’s why I jumped at a chance to check out this adapter when they offered a loaner unit.

Accell DisplayPort/Mini DisplayPort to DVI-D Dual-Link Adapter Review

Some of the key features of this adapter are:

It also supports DisplayPort 1.1a, HDCP Version 1.3 and DVI Version 1 standards.  Resolutions max out at 2560×1600 at 60 fps and supports 1920×1200 or 1920×1080 @ 120 Hz for 3D applications.  

Connectors on the device include a regular DisplayPort and an adapter to make this a mini display port and a USB cable to give power to the converter.  Output goes to a DVI-D port which you can directly plug your display.

Installation and Function

On  Windows, Mac or Linux there are no drivers included or needed.  You simply plug-in the DisplayPort or Mini Display port and the USB cable, plug your monitor in and everything should be recognized.  On Windows, I was able to drive an outboard monitor at resolutions up to 1920×1200 and it looked gorgeous too!

Accell DisplayPort/Mini DisplayPort to DVI-D Dual-Link Adapter Review

One note with this device is that if you have an older VGA only monitor or a VGA projector, you won’t be able to use this as most VGA to DVI connectors I have seen have extra pins on one side of the DVI adapter which restricts this adapter from plugging into the DVI adapter.

Linux Test

It would not be a hardware review if I didn’t at least try to get this working on Linux.  Distribution used was Ubuntu 12.10 with Gnome 3.6 installed.  Once plugged in, the adapter did work, however I was only able to drive the monitor at 1024×768.  With enough time I probably could have found the configuration issue.


The adapter is made from high quality metal and should have no issues with noise as there’s more than adequate shielding built into the adapter.  The only caveat with the adapter is that it’s a little on the heavy side however that just means it’s very durable.


The adapter does a great job and does not take up much space in my bag.  It’s ideal to just toss in the bag and use as needed.  Even though is very durable it’s not heavy enough to leave behind.  You can get this adapter on for about $89.   For more on the adapter check out  the Accell site.

What I liked: Easy install.  Works as advertised.

What I didn’t care for: A little heavy.  Also does not work with DVI to VGA adapters.

Accell DisplayPort/Mini DisplayPort to DVI-D Dual-Link Adapter Review
Accell DisplayPort/Mini DisplayPort to DVI-D Dual-Link Adapter Review
Accell DisplayPort/Mini DisplayPort to DVI-D Dual-Link Adapter Review
Accell DisplayPort/Mini DisplayPort to DVI-D Dual-Link Adapter Review
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