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Get a Daily Dose of Jazz Videos from the 20s and 30s!

Eubie Blake

Eubie Blake and Nobel Sissle from 1923

I love JazzOnTheTube. It delivers a daily email with a classic or modern jazz video that is always worth watching. Recently JazzOnTheTube pointed viewers to 20sJazz and 30sJazz, sites dedicated to presenting videos from those eras. If you are a fan of jazz from the 20s and 30s check them out and subscribe to the daily email!

Here from 20sJazz is an amazing early video from 1923 (!) featuring Nobel Sissle and Eubie Blake. I am not familiar with Sissle, but I do remember Blake well from the late 70s/ early 80s including Saturday Night Live and White House performances.

And here is another great video, this time from 1933 with Cab Calloway:

Cab Calloway & Band Perform in Pajamas! (1933)

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