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Dream Theater Self-Titled Album Available for Pre-Order!

Dream Theater Readies Self-titled Album for Release

Dream Theater Readies Self-titled Album for Release

Although jazz is my favored genre, I love great musicians who show a love for their instrument and craft. Dream Theater is a prog-metal band with some of the best musicians in all of rock. Mike Petrucci and Jordan Rudess have won countless awards on their instruments over the years, and the new album sounds extremely promising!

I had a friend who was into the early ‘speed metal’ scene in the early 80s, which required stamina as much as skill. Bands like Dream Theater took that to the next level by incorporating epic soundscapes and structures that derived from the work of prog-rock groups such as Rush, Yes, Genesis and King Crimson. The results were musical, challenging shred-fests!

Dream Theater is set to release their 12th studio album, which they are simply calling Dream Theater, on September 24th. There has been loads of anticipation and information released, so let’s take a quick look. First, guitarist John Petrucci sat down to discuss the album at Guitar World.

The band also created a four-episode YouTube series called ‘Dream Theater in the Studio’:

Dream Theater - In The Studio (Episode 1)

Dream Theater In The Studio (Episode 2)

Dream Theater In The Studio (Episode 3)

Dream Theater In The Studio (Episode 4)

Singer James LaBrie and John Petrucci walk through the album track-by-track:

Dream Theater - 2013 “track by track” intervista a James LaBrie e John Petrucci, Berlino 12.08.2013

They are also streaming ‘Along for the Ride’ at SoundCloud to give fans a sneak peek:

And also are streaming the video for the first single ‘The Enemy Inside’:

Dream Theater - The Enemy Inside (LYRIC VIDEO)

Another fun thing is Jordan Rudess walking through his home studio:

Jordan Rudess Home "Studio A" Tour - A Closer Look at his Keyboards and Synthesizers

The new album lands on September, and you can pre-order it at for $14.88 for the deluxe CD/DVD or on iTunes for $10.99. Check it out!

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