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Check Out the 14-Year Old Guitarist Who Reminds Us Why Skill and Practice Matter

14 Year Old Guitar Virtuoso Tina S

14 Year Old Guitar Virtuoso Tina S

Sometimes it is easy to be cynical and assume that young people are only seeking the quick and easy path to pop stardom – many are working hard to become the next generation of truly great musicians. Combining passion for the music with hard work and research, here are a few videos by one young guitarist you will definitely remember!

French guitarist Tina S demonstrates tremendous technical mastery and a solid musical feel in these videos shot by her instructor. Not really much else to say, just enjoy the videos!

Here she is playing Steve Vai’s Version of Paganini’s 5th Caprice from ‘Crossroads’

Steve Vai - Paganini 5th Caprice (Crossroads) - cover

Her cover of the “Vivaldi Tribute” (Patrick Rondat)

"Vivaldi Tribute" (Patrick Rondat) Tina S cover

And finally a spot-on rendition of Eddie Van Halen’s “Eruption” Solo

Van Halen - Eruption Guitar Cover

Ok, so I am going to tack on the original scene from Crossroads – not just because it has Steve Vai playing both sides, and not just because Ralph Macchio does an awesome job of making us think he is playing, but because it is one of my favorite movie clips of all time.

steve vai Crossroads (1986) duel

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