There are Bluetooth speakers, and then there are Bluetooth speakers. Wow, is the AudioEngine B2 Bluetooth speaker ever an amazing Bluetooth speaker. Not only is the walnut cabinet on the speaker absolutely gorgeous, but it puts out a whopping 60W of sound. More importantly, the sound it puts out is fantastic. And… it is under $300!
I’ll be using it quite a bit more before I write up the full review but, because I am so incredibly impressed with this particular speaker, I did feel compelled to do a quick first impression post.
When you add in the fact that it costs just under $300 it is, to my estimation, an incredibly good value. Here are a few stock photos of the audio engine B2 Bluetooth speaker and a link, so you can check out more information.
The AudioEngine B2 Bluetooth speaker is based on the signature sound of the company’s award-winning A2+ powered desktop speakers. I reviewed the original A2 speakers for my first site, WhatsOniPhone and was impressed. Years later those speakers are still going strong!
More recently I reviewed the Audioengine B1 Premium Bluetooth Music Receiver. The B1 turns any powered speaker into a Bluetooth enabled speaker. (In my case the B1 is in use with the A2 speakers, but the adapter system works with any powered speaker or speaker pair.)
The AudioEngine B2 Bluetooth speaker basically has the Audioengine B1 Premium Bluetooth Music Receiver built into it. And while I will go into more detail with regard to what this means when I do the full review, it is worth noting that the system is simple to set up, gets amazing range and offers great sound thanks to the use of an aptX audio decoder and the inclusion of an integrated 24-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Add in a gorgeous, hand-built wood cabinet in three finishes and… Wow. Just wow!

The AudioEngine B2 Bluetooth speaker is gorgeous, powerful and sounds great. I’ll be going into a bit more depth and detail in the full review, but the unit arrived just hours before I left on a trip and, with the holidays coming up fast, I wanted to do a post so this audio system would be on your radar. Seriously, if you are looking for a new home audio system for yourself or as a gift and were planning to spend somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 this speaker deserves a place at the top of your list. Learn more here.