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Latest in Cellular Price Wars: Sprint Offers to Pay Off Your ETF and Phone Loan!


It  seemed that cellular phone price wars had started to ease; then along comes Sprint, who today announced they will not only pay your early termination fee (ETF), but they will also pick up the remaining balance on your phone installment plan!

Naturally you’ll have to trade in that phone, and then there’s the price of buying another outright or committing two years of your life to Sprint.

Latest in Cellular Price Wars: Sprint Offers to Pay Your ETF and Phone Loan

There doesn’t seem to be much fine print in this offer. Trade-in a working phone, qualify for a new line of service (creditworthy), buy or finance a new phone.

  1.  Bring your number to Sprint and activate on Easy Pay?, iPhone for Life Plan or Sprint Lease.
  2. Turn in your last phone in good working condition within 30 days via the return kit you will automatically receive once your registration for this offer has been approved.
    Note: if you’ve already turned in your phone(s) via Cut Your Bill in Half Program a return kit will not be sent to you.
  3. The phone you turn in must be the last phone you used with your prior carrier (don’t think about turning in a non-working junker) and be the phone tied to the bill that you are uploading for this Reward Card.
  4. If you do not turn in your last competitor phone, you will be charged back up to the amount of the Reward Card you received.

Latest in Cellular Price Wars: Sprint Offers to Pay Your ETF and Phone Loan
OVERLAND PARK, Kan. (BUSINESS WIRE), March 13, 2015 – Sprint (NYSE: S) is taking it up a notch for customers in search of greater-value from their wireless carrier. Beginning today, Sprint is making it easy for U.S. wireless consumers to join Sprint’s 56 million customers by reimbursing all of the costs to switch, including early termination fees and remaining payments on phone installment plans – no matter what is owed.

With this new offer, Sprint is inviting all wireless consumers to discover Sprint and see what tens of millions Sprint customers already know:

Sprint offers the Best Value in Wireless with great rate plans including Cut Your Bill in Half and device purchasing options such as iPhone for Life Plan.
The Sprint network provides significantly better call quality and faster data speeds in more places than before. According to independent mobile analytics firm RootMetrics®, results for second half 2014 show Sprint with the highest net gain in first-place or shared first-place RootScore® and network award wins in Overall Performance, Reliability, Call and Text performance.1
Customers simply need to switch to Sprint and turn in their current phone. Sprint will refund the switching costs within approximately 15 days of successfully completing the online registration and providing a bill that shows the early termination charge or device balance due.

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