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Shazam This… Coke Zero Uses Shazam to Innovate Advertising 

Shazam This... Coke Zero Uses Shazam to Innovate Advertising 

The NCAA Finals are on and Duke is slowly making its way to another championship. (Duke Class of ’86…) Shazam and Coke Zero teamed up to use music and an app to do some advertising magic. It was, in fact, kinda cool.

coke zero

The Coke Zero commercial started with some unique music and a message to launch Shazam. When I did the app read the unique tune and, instead of providing track information it, instead, launched a Coke Zero add.

Shazam This... Coke Zero Uses Shazam to Innovate Advertising 


The virtual Coke slowly filled to the top. Once it did the app kicked over to the Coke Zero website and offered a free drink at Target.

And with that, advertising, apps and interactive tech all came together… Oh, and thusfar the game is nothing short of amazing.

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