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Uiee is the World’s Smallest, Stylish Portable Charger


You can never have enough charge for your device, no matter what anyone tells you. Having a decent battery life on the go is a necessity these days now that phones seem to get larger and more powerful. Luckily thanks to Kickstarter, there’s a new all-in-one charger that will make sure you never have a dead battery.

The Uiee Charger combines a wall charger as well as a backup charger so you will never have to scramble to find a wall charger when you get that “Battery Alert” on your device. Featuring prongs that flip out, you can choose to plug up when you’re near an outlet, or simply plug your phone up when you’re on the go, courtesy of the coin-like size of the Uiee, as well as it’s retractable cable.

Uiee is the World’s Smallest, Stylish Portable Charger

Labeled as looking similar to a French macaron, this is truly the first of its kind when it comes to the whole idea of “portable backup chargers” and trust me, I’ve seen many, and probably have written about even more than I’ve used.

Uiee is the World’s Smallest, Stylish Portable Charger

The Uiee’s 2-for-1 dual use makes it reliable for every possible scenario. Providing over 40% battery power to an iPhone 6, it’s already comparable, if not better than the Native Union Jump that I previously reviewed. It’s also noted to give over 30% extra battery to a Samsung Galaxy s6, for those who are on the Android Platform. That being said, yes, it is available for micro-usb or Apple’s lightning connector.

Uiee is the World’s Smallest, Stylish Portable Charger

Available in three options: Persian Blue, Forest Green or Crimson Red, the Uiee will have two different “versions” so to speak. The US and the E.U. versions. Currently on Kickstarter with over $2,000 in donations, and with eight days remaining, if you want to be apart of what I think will be another successful wall charger that will for sure exceed my expectations, all it takes is a minimal donation of €19 or more.

Uiee is the World’s Smallest, Stylish Portable Charger

Interested? Pledge today via Kickstarter

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