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Optoma Steps into the Wireless Headphone Ring with the NuForce BE6

Optoma Steps into the Wireless Headphone Ring with the NuForce BE6

If there’s one thing that I hate the most, is going to the gym with headphones with a cable attached. Running on the treadmill is a chore with them, so I opt for wireless headphones at every opportunity. Luckily Optoma Technology has thrown their name in the hat for the crown in the Bluetooth Headphones market with their BE6 headphones.

Optoma Steps Into The Wireless Headphone Ring With the NuForce BE6

Known for their projector and audio products, Optoma decided to branch out and create a lineup or premium headphones, starting with their NuForce BE6 buds. The wireless pair of Bluetooth headphones are the only Bluetooth headphones to be fully crafted from aluminum, which give you a premiere listening experience, with full crystal-clear sound on top of a lightweight design.

Optoma Steps Into The Wireless Headphone Ring With the NuForce BE6

Featuring newly developed 10mm drivers, the BE6 also are compatible with apt, which gives you a CD-quality listening experience wirelessly, which I appreciate. Too many times headphones on the market these days compromise the audio quality as a result of the wireless transfer of music, so aptX looks to change this.

Optoma Steps Into The Wireless Headphone Ring With the NuForce BE6

A lot of problems people have with wireless headphones isn’t the battery life, since most range in the 6-8 hours with moderate use. The issues actually stem from comfort, which hopefully Optoma corrects with their NuForce silicone tips, that are compliant sports foam. So now you won’t have that annoying need to push the bud further into your ear while working out, due to NuForce’s non-slip memory foam tips.

Optoma Steps Into The Wireless Headphone Ring With the NuForce BE6

The BE6 headphones are splash-proof, and come with an in-line remote control so you can not only change your motivational music without turning your phone on, you can interact with Siri or Google Voice from them as well. Retailing for $129 and grey and gold, you can visit Optoma’s site today for more details.

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