New Verizon Plans Now Live: Should You Switch or Wait?

The long-awaited Verizon plan changes are now live. My account shows I can gain an added 4 GB of monthly data which will include carryover and safety mode at no cost by swapping plans. But is there any advantage to me doing so right away? I think the answer to this hinges on three variables.


First, how close you are to exceeding your monthly data?  Second, would you be able to take advantage of a large amount of carryover data from this month’s billing cycle? And last, switching to a new Verizon plan requires you give up any bonus data which you earned from prior Verizon promotions. Do you have any bonus data from prior Verizon promotions (such as this promo which awarded 24 GB of data/year for switching to Verizon)?

The decision to switch plans is different for each person.

Verizon allows you to backdate  plan changes provided you are moving to a more expensive plan so there is less incentive to make a plan change prior to your next bill date unless you are close to exceeding a data usage limit.

There are three benefits to the new Verizon plans:

  1. More data
  2. XL and higher plans offer  Carryover Data (only until your next billing cycle) – other plans add this for $5/mo
  3. XL and higher plans offer  Safety Mode which throttles data at 128k when you run out (as opposed to charging $15/GB) – other plans add this for $5/mo

There are two primary downsides to the new Verizon plans:

  1. More expensive
  2. You cannot carry over bonus data

Users with bonus data on their Verizon accounts should study their usage pattern closely before determining if giving up the “free” data is worth a change. In some cases where you are constantly exceeding your data limits it may be worthwhile to add safety mode so that any overages are converted to slow data (128 k) instead of $15/GB fees.

You know you can backdate because the Verizon system will prompt you for when you’d like a plan change to take effect.

Remember, if you are not switching to a more expensive plan then you will not see the option to backdate your plan change.

verizon_plan3Switch Now:

  • You need more data.
  • Are close to exceeding data allowance for this billing cycle.
  • For this billing period you could take advantage of a large carryover.  (Example: My data usage is low this month but I know next month I will be at a conference and can likely take advantage of Carryover data offered on the new plan)


  • You have bonus data which you don’t wish to lose.
  • You aren’t in danger of exceeding your data limits.
  • You would be switching to a more expensive plan and backdating is available; wait until just before your billing period end date.

The decision whether to switch plans will be different for each Verizon subscriber. You do NOT have to switch. If you want to stay on your plan then you do not have to make any choice since Verizon by default will keep you on whatever plan you’ve selected.

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About the Author

Wayne Schulz
Wayne is a diehard Android user and consultant specializing in Sage 100 ERP Accounting Software. He lives in Glastonbury CT with his two children. When not helping them with their homework or pushing the latest school fundraiser off on his co-workers, he is active hiking and investigating all manner of technology.