Monowear Has Announced the MonoCharge: An Apple Watch Accessory That’s a Must Have

If you’ve read our reviews about Monowear’s Apple Watch accessories, but you were wondering if they’d ever put out a stand so you could charge your precious smartwatch and your iPhone, then you’re in luck.


Monowear announced their wireless charging device, the MonoCharge this week on Kickstarter. Essentially a wireless charging base for your Apple Watch, the MonoCharge is a dual threat, as it also can charge your iPhone, which is perfect for your desktop, or your nightstand.


“MonoCharge is helping Apple users experience the freedom of wireless charging. We’ve all been there, carrying too many devices and cables in your bag, at your desk, in your car,” says Jay Samson, PR Manager at Monowear. “MonoCharge creates a great seamless feeling for Apple devices with a modern design that blends into any environment. Just set your device down and it’ll continue to charge.”

The unique design of the dock gives you the ability to moderate its look in one of two positions, so you can use it as a bedroom clock display if you’d like or just keep it as a traditional dock.


With a goal of $50,000, and 24 days to go, time is ticking on making sure that this awesome looking dock becomes a reality; if you are interested, go back the Kickstarter campaign today.

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About the Author

Greg Alston
Diehard Apple fanboy, and lover of all things tech. Born and raised in Washington, DC, Greg enjoys spending time with his wife, family, and friends, live sporting events, good bourbon, Tetris, and pizza. In that order.