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New MediaTek MT9638 Smart TV Chips Rolled Out to Make Your Entertainment Even Faster


When we talk about MediaTek, it’s usually in the context of their hard work behind the scenes in bringing 5G to phones everywhere. But they do more than just 5G chips; they’re also bringing their ability to provide AI processing units to 4K smart TVs with their new MediaTek MT9638 smart TV chips!

MediaTek MT9638

The MediaTek MT9638 smart TV Chip is probably not the first thing on your list when you’re searching for a new television; you’re thinking about the size of the screen and how good your shows will look. But to make shows look good in 4K and handle the demands of streaming and connecting, you need big computing power tucked away under that flatscreen, and that’s what MediaTek is aiming to provide. MediaTek is already the number one provider of chips for smart TVs, and this is just taking their dominance to the next level.

The new chip supports WiFi 6, HDMI 2.1, AI-enabled voice recognition, and video calls (with support for up to four far-field microphones, meaning you can cover the whole room easily). In addition, there’s up to 4K resolution, premium Dolby Atmos and DTS Virtual X surround sound support, and the chip is power efficient, so you won’t have a heart attack when you get your electric bill after using your new TV non-stop.

You may not have given much thought to MediaTek, but they’re working hard for you in your phones, tablets, televisions, and more! You can expect to see MediaTek MT9638-powered 4K smart TVs in the second quarter of this year.

Via MediaTek

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