At my age—and no, I am absolutely not going to tell you how friggin’ old I am—acidic stomach issues are definitely something I have to keep in mind. But even if you’re a youngun’ like my daughter and you drink enough coffee, sometimes the very acidity of the brew can catch up with you sometimes. That’s what Trücup low-acid coffee wants to help alleviate.
It’s not just old pharts like me, of course. Believe it or not, 60 million Americans (and lord knows how many others across the world) have had to cut out coffee from their lives due to stomach issues — Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), acid reflux, and other problems.
And aside from that sweet, sweet rush we all love, believe it or not, coffee has genuine health benefits; it can help with Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, depression, and prostate cancer. Not to mention the benefits associated with caffeine. (Captain Shaky-hands Moran will draw a veil over the downsides of too much caffeine.)
So what the heck to do, coffee lovers? Well, there are some low-acid coffees on the market, of course. The problem, as always — much like with “lite” beer — is taste.
The folks at Trücup believe they’ve cracked the code on that one. They start with 100% arabica beans from Central and South America, and then they use a natural process to remove those acids that cause stomach problems; for instance, they say that their Born to be Mild roast is 60% lower less acidic than light roasts from some of the leading national coffee brands. All of their other roasts are even less acidic!
Trücup Low-Acid Coffee is available in five different roasts and an espresso blend; these include the Born To Be Mild light roast, Stuck In The Middle medium roast, Heart Of Bold bold roast, Dark As Night french roast, and You’ve Got a Blend espresso blend. If you’re noticing a theme here, it’s on purpose.
Someone suggested we name our medium roast “Stuck in the Middle” after the song playing on the radio. Inspiration struck and we named all our roasts after classic rock songs. Coffee that rocks was born!
All of their Trücup low-acid coffees are available in whole bean or as french press and drip grinds in 12-ounce, 2-pound, or 5-pound bags (prices range from $12.95 to $55.95), and the espresso blend is also available as an espresso grind. If you’re more of a single serving type, Trücup also sells biodegradable, single-serve cups that are compatible with most single-serve machines (48 cups to an order for $39.95).
Did they succeed in making a coffee that your stomach can handle? Well, that’s something you’ll need to judge for yourself, I reckon.