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Windows Phone 7 Coming to the HTC HD2, From Russia with Love


As Judie, Clinton and I put the finishing touches on a three-way review of the most impressive Windows Mobile 6.5 device today, the Russians have been busy trying to give us what Microsoft won’t: Windows Phone 7. Due to its button design falling outside the requirements of Windows Phone 7, the HD2 was destined to live out its life in the increasingly dull world of Windows Mobile.

Windows Phone 7 Coming to the HTC HD2, From Russia with Love

Things may be about to change with photos and videos demoing a version of Windows Phone 7 running on an HTC HD2, in almost all it’s glory. At this point it’s a tad choppy while they work on getting the graphics drivers up to speed, and it hasn’t been released onto the interwebz yet, but as a fan of the hardware and only so-so on the software, this could make me take up an HD2 full time, if only to enjoy the latest in this space that Microsoft has to offer.

A second video and some photos are available on the htcpedia forum. It’s worth a look, and if you’re an HD2 owner who doesn’t mind messing with ROMs, radios and bootloaders, you may have something new to try very soon!

[via Engadget]

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