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With Line2 Update The iPad Really Is A Phone

With Line2 Update The iPad Really Is A Phone

With Line2 Update The iPad Really Is A Phone

We are spending a few days up in the mountains. It is beautiful. It is peaceful. It is a great place to get some work done. Only problem is… The cell reception here is terrible and our landline costs a fortune. Luckily I still have my subscription to the Line2 VoIP app and it works great. Seriously the call quality is fantastic, and it is what I am using constantly up here. Better still, if your iDevice is jailbroken, then you can leave the app running and receive calls on it.

With Line2 Update The iPad Really Is A Phone

Well an update just hit my iPad and iPhone, and it brings a nice surprise with it… The app can now make calls over the 3G network. That means if you have an iPad WiFi + 3G you can use it to make calls. Sure, it is still easier to just grab your iPhone (or some other handset), but it is nice to know that if need be, the 3G access you pay an additional $30 a month for on your iPad can now let it make calls too.

So are we finally seeing a gentler, friendlier AT&T and Apple? That sure would be nice.

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