When the new ADT PULSE system became available in my area I immediate jumped at the chance to have it installed in my home. PULSE not only allows for the ability to arm and disarm one’s home security system from anywhere in the world, it does much more. The new ADT PULSE system is all about home automation. It includes lighting, temperature control, video, and more.
As a kid this sort of thing seemed like something that would exist in the far, far future, maybe not even in my lifetime. But it turns out that future isn’t far off at all;, it’s actually here now. The system uses Z Wave technology, which is a wireless protocol which allows the various components to talk to each other. It also utilizes an application, which is available for iOS, Blackberry and Android to allow the user to control the system from anywhere.
In the video below, from my YouTube channel, I’ll walk you through the entire ADT PULSE system, show you all the different components, how they work and what they can do.
After you’re done watching the video, head to the ADT PULSE web site to learn more about the new system.