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Fone Sitter Makes Sure Grandma Hung up the Phone!


Fone Sitter Makes Sure Grandma Hung up the Phone!

My dad gave me a ride home from work last night. During the drive, he went to call his mother (my grandmother) and her line was busy. So he tried her cell phone. No answer. This went on for a good ten minutes; we’d chat, he’d try both numbers, we’d chat again. Finally, he started to get really nervous, and he called my uncle to go check on her.

As it turns out, she was just fine. Her phone was just off the hook. Again. She doesn’t keep her cell phone near her, and she can’t hear the faint, indignant beeping of the phone when it’s not on the cradle, so it sends her kids into a panic of “Why can’t we reach mom? Who talked to her last? How long ago? Should we try again?” Luckily my uncle lives nearby but calling him every time isn’t a great solution.

So while my dad was chatting with his brother and making plans to check on Grandma, I did some googling. I came across a device called Fone Sitter that seemed to be the solution to our problem:

Don’t be without phone service! The Command Fone Sitter automatically alerts you to any phone left off-hook throughout your home or if your phone service has been interrupted. A must for homes with elderly or small children!

Has this ever happened to you? An elderly loved one didn’t hang up their phone completely. Their line remained busy for hours. The only way to check on them was to call their neighbor, drive over to their house, or even worse, call the police. Ends up, it was simply a phone left off-hook by accident. Or in your home, your toddler was playing with the phone. You didn’t realize it was left off-hook, and people tried calling you all evening, only to get a busy signal. For peace of mind, get a FONE SITTER.

Fone Sitter Features:

– Automatically alerts you to any extension phone left off-hook throughout your home and in addition alerts you if your phone service has been interrupted
– Just one unit will monitor one phone line for your entire house
– Requires 2 AAA batteries, not included
– 2 Different audible alarm tones (one for off-hook and the other tone for service interrupted)
– Alarms have volume control
– Visual indicator light also flashes when an alarm condition exists
– Requires STANDARD analog phone service
– Will NOT WORK with DIGITAL or BROADBAND phone service
– Box Dimensions: 9″L x 5″W x 2″D

I read that description, turned to my dad, and said “You need to buy her this. NOW.” Hopefully, it works, and we won’t spend another tense drive dialing and redialing and waiting for her to wonder why no one’s called in three hours!

You can buy Fone Sitter here for $29.50. We’ll be back with a full report when Grandma is all set up with her new phone accessory! (Or when someone else in my family leaves their phone off the hook!)

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