I always thought of astrology as a fairly fixed field of “study”. If you were born between certain dates, then you were born under a certain sign. As it turns out, astrology is heavily influenced by astronomy, and therefore as the earth spins the astrological calculations may need adjustments. The upshot: every 5,000 years or so your sign may need changing! I wonder if there’s an astrological version of the oil change sticker; “Every 5,000 years or 35,000,000 earth rotations, please recalculate Astrological chart”
If you’re wondering if you are now under a new constellation, here’s the breakdown:
January 20- to February 16Aquarius
February 16 to March 11Pisces
March 11 to April 18.Aries
April 18 to May 13Taurus
May 13 to June 21.Gemini
June 21 to July 20Cancer
July 20 to August 10Leo
August 10 to September 16Virgo
September 16 to October 30Libra
October 30 to November 23Scorpio
November 23 to November 29Ophiuchus
November 29 to December 17Sagittarius
December 17 to January 20
I’m still a Pisces! Too bad I don’t put much stock in astrology, though I do tell people my being a Pisces is why I don’t eat fish (can’t eat my watery brethren!) Poor Sarah is now a Sagittarius. As I pointed out, it could be worse; she could be an Ophiuchus now! Nothing worse than being stuck with the new, untested astrological sign!