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Simon and Schuster’s Missed Opportunity for Steve Jobs’ Biography

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Simon and Schuster's Missed Opportunity for Steve Jobs' Biography

Sarah and I were eating dinner last night and discussing Steve Jobs and his legacy. She pointed out that it would have been fitting for Simon and Schuster to release Steve Jobs’ biography as an iBooks exclusive for a few days prior to street date release. Not only would this reward Apple fans, but it would also generate buzz for iBooks and stoke demand for the biography across all formats and platforms!

Sadly, unless they’re planning something awesome last minute, it looks like there won’t be any special iBooks deal. However, you can preorder the biography now at both Amazon and B&N. It’s $17.88 for the hardcover and $16.99 for the ebook at both stores. It’s too bad there’s not more of a savings on the ebook, but I have a feeling it will still sell extremely well. In fact, this could be a huge breaking point for the ebook/hardcover divide. Forget all the practical reasons why an ebook makes more sense; could anyone who owns an iOS device resist the urge to read Jobs’ biography on the devices he poured his heart and soul into creating?

What do you think? Should S&S have found a way to offer a little extra to Apple fans as they release his biography? Have you preordered it, or will you be snapping it up on October 24th? Let us know in the comments!

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