
Kobo Clara Colour Review: Enjoy Reading Your eBooks in Full Color!

I’ve always had a soft spot for Kobo readers and ebooks. They’re the biggest true competitor to Amazon, and while they’re often underrated here in the USA, they make phenomenal hardware that often rivals or beats their Kindle competitors. So I was beyond excited to test out the Kobo Clara Colour, and it has blown me away!

Kobo Libra Colour and Kobo Clara Colour Bring Something Exciting to the eReader Space

It’s been a while since we wrote about Kobo and the Kobo Reader, but here’s some exciting news — Kobo Rakuten has unveiled the Kobo Libra Colour and Kobo Clara Colour eReaders. These devices mark Kobo’s debut into color E Ink technology, departing from the traditional black-and-white digital reading experience that most, if not all, of us are used to on our eReaders.

“The Token Woman” Book Review: Effectively Shows How Women Leaders Can Be So Much More!

I work in a very male-dominated field. It’s also a very individual one, so there’s not a lot of chance for collaboration among my co-workers, except when the other women in my office and I get together to swap stories and discuss, basically, what it’s like being a woman where people don’t always expect to see us succeed. I felt a lot less alone and a lot more prepared to build more camaraderie among the women in my office after reading Cheryl Stookes’ The Token Woman: A Guide to Thriving as a Female Leader in Sales.

Buyer Beware: Amazon Reprints Some Books Poorly and Without Disclosure

I’ve always liked is Star Trek: The Next Generation. I like the show so much that in 1991 when Pocket Books brought out the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual, I had to have it.  I bought it and thumbed through it so often that I eventually wore it out. I recently ordered a replacement copy from Amazon. However, what I got was different than what I expected; it wasn’t the original book or even a proper reprint. Evidently, Amazon reprints older books themselves, and it’s not the quality you might be led to expect.

Are You Ready to Read Ready Player Two? A Book Review

Ready Player One has been the butt of internet jokes for years. I didn’t hate it, though I agree it wasn’t exactly fine literature. Still, I enjoyed it enough that I impulsively bought Ready Player Two over the weekend despite poor reviews. Should you read it? Well, read on for my review. 

Digital Technology Makes Publishing a Cinch

Publishing in the past looked much different than it does today. Not only do we have more advanced print machines, but we also have more digital technology that simplifies the entire printing experience. Plus, we’re seeing an increase in audio-related content, indicating an exciting new landscape fed by technology.

The Death of eBooks Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

10 years ago, people were predicting the physical book was dead. eBooks were the rage, and everyone was predicting Kindles and Nooks would replace physical books on our shelves, in our backpacks, and on our nightstands. Instead, the physical book launched an unexpected comeback, the Nook is dying, and eBooks are back to being a niche; but they’re not dead.

5 Biggest Letdowns from the Star Wars Canon “Purge of 2015”

Like millions of others I have seen and LOVED Star Wars: The Force Awakens. As a long time fan of films and games and books, I loved seeing things from or derived from the ‘Expanded Universe’ that were immediately familiar. In fact, everything about this great new entry was awesome … but since then I have realized what it meant to the REST of the Expanded Universe: death. It was 37 years ago that the book “Splinter of the Mind’s Eye” became the first post Star Wars book, based on some early writings from George Lucas, but later declared ‘non-canon’…

Disney Dodges Spoilers by Releasing “The Force Awakens” as an E-Book Only!

I remember being a kid and getting books that were “novelizations” of movies. In fact, I’m 99% sure I had the entire Star Wars trilogy in novel form as well as the (now not-canon) Timothy Zahn trilogy. Disney is continuing the tradition for “The Force Awakens”, but they apparently don’t trust bookstores, because the novel will be ebook-only at release!

Book Review: “Kids Won’t Eat Healthy? Quick, Read This Book!”

We’ve been lucky so far, in that our toddler isn’t terribly picky. He’s not a fan of leafy vegetables, but otherwise he happily chows down on everything from burgers to tofu. I worry about what to do when he isn’t so agreeable, though, and luckily a local mom recently wrote a great book on the subject!

Barnes and Noble Announces New WATERPROOF Nook!

It’s easy to write off Barnes and Noble as the underdog in the ebook space; Amazon has clearly and thoroughly claimed the majority of the marketshare. B&N may be down, but they’re not out, and they’ve stumbled across a niche in ebooks that Amazon HASN’T conquered yet. They made a waterproof, dustproof NOOK GlowLight.

Good News, the Twilight Reboot You Never Wanted Is Here!

Twilight has been rebooted by Stephenie Meyer. This is not a drill. Head to your nearest bookstore immediately, because for the 10th anniversary of Twilight, there’s a new version of the story out. Where the vampire is a girl and her object of obsession/stalkery affection is a boy. And yes, it’s really by Meyer, and not fanfic like it sounds.

Gear Diary Book Club Discussion of The Martian!

Did you finish reading The Martian in time for its big screen debut tomorrow night? Our own Greg Alston got to see it early, and he loved it (check out his review here), and now it’s time to discuss the book! If you haven’t finished yet, steer clear-spoilers ahead!

Gear Diary Book Club’s Next Book is…The Martian!

I rarely finish a book and immediately add it to my list of favorites of all time. Only a few titles have vaulted to the top at once, and The Martian definitely holds that honor-which is why it’s our next book club choice, just in time for the movie to debut October 2nd (no cheating and waiting for the movie!)

Gear Diary Book Club: Ender’s Game Book Discussion!

Did you enjoy reading Ender’s Game for this month’s book club choice? Now’s your chance to sound off on what you thought! Read some of our thoughts and then dive in with yours in the comments! Just remember, the discussion and comments will contain spoilers if you haven’t finished the series.