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How Much Gear Is too Much?

How Much Gear Is too Much?
How Much Gear Is too Much?

I have jury duty this week. My only other experience with jury duty was in Boston, and I remember sitting all day in a cramped room reading a book, and almost escaping being put on a jury. So I am anticipating a long day of “hurry up and wait” and have begun packing for the day accordingly.

My original plan for what to bring was fairly extensive:

However, when I realized I was treating jury duty like I was going on vacation, I stopped to think about whether I really needed all that, or if I was just being an over excited geek. After all, this is either one day or one trial, and if it’s a day I can survive with less, and if it’s a trial I won’t have much time for Plants Vs Zombies anyway. So my list has been pared to just the basics: iPad, iPhone, paperback, wallet and keys. I can read via the Kindle app on my iPad, I have an ear infection so headphones are out, and my iPhone can handle any light gaming I want to do while hanging around. And while it was a nice thought that I could get work done on the go, the five minutes of work I get done aren’t worth lugging a whole computer with me. The paperback book is a backup, just in case I can’t use my iPad or run out of juice.

It gets way too easy to be caught up in carrying around “stuff”, but there’s something satisfying in realizing all of it isn’t necessary. Really, the only thing that is necessary is that I show up, but anything to make the day go by faster!

Any good tips for getting through jury duty quickly? Or a good book to bring with me? Let me know in the comments!


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