If you have been commenting on the site in recent weeks you will have noticed that we use Disqus to power our comments section. We really like the platform. It allows ease of commenting, simply comment moderation for us (we are committed to keeping the trolls out) and, it just streamlines the entire process for everyone.
Well, the company behind Disqus just rolled out Disqus 2012. You can get a sense of what is new with Disqus by watching this “awesome new video showing off the new Disqus”.
The new Disqus is more social, streamlines the process of commenting, and it now streams conversations live. That means iris an even better way for us to continue to build the GD Community, let you enter giveaway contests and allow us al to share our love (obsession!?!?) with the gear we use. Check out the blog post explaining the changes and then come back to this post and use Disqusto let us know what you think. Check the blog post here.