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Goodbye Diet Coke, Hello Fruit Water?

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Goodbye Diet Coke, Hello Fruit Water?

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You had best stay away from Judie this week. You see, after years of drinking a minimum of two Diet Cokes each morning for… years…  last night she quit cold turkey. Yes, no Diet Coke for her. As she announced on Facebook,

I hesitate to say anything, but i will need all the moral support you all can provide … i had my (hopefully) last diet coke this evening. i’m quitting cold turkey as of about 30 minutes ago. can i do it? we shall seeeeeee….

When many of us had expressed our concern for Kevin and… small animals Judie referenced the last time she did this and asked,

“Was I that bad? 😉

Her daughter was quick to jump in and wrote-

Yes…you were that bad mama. lol but it’s okay. diet coke is your drug. you’ll kick the habit. but it’s going to be really tough.

Fact is, on average, Americans drink 44.7 gallons of soda per person per year. Add in 4 gallons of sport beverages, 1.5 gallons of “value added water” and 11.5 gallons of fruit beveragesand… that’s a lot of soda and other sweet drinks and a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Today’s food tip gives Judie a winning tactic, cuts out all the sugars and other sweeteners without compromising on flavor and… saves us all. 🙂

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Elana doesn’t use sugar or artificial sweeteners. Instead she uses Stevia. (Get it here through our Amazon Portal.) Her favorite, Body Ecology Diet’s Stevia. If you like sweet and are trying to cut down on the sugar, high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners Stevia may be a great alternative.

Here’s one way to use it that is healthier, saves money and… tastes great.

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Mellon Water


Take four one gallon bottles of water

One medium sized melon or other fruit

One bottle of liquid Stevia


Cut the melon into four sections.

Cube each section into small pieces that easily fit into the opening in the bottle

Remove 24 ounces of water from each bottle and put into a fifth bottle.

Put one quarter of the melon into each of the 1 gallon water bottles.

Let sit overnight and chill

Pour your melon water into a glass

Sweeten with Stevia to taste

Obviously you can use almost any melon, sweet peaches, lemon, lime, orange, kiwi. You can even mix fruit.

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Experiment but trust us, it is a delicious drink you will love.

And best of all, not only is it healthy but this flavored water costs about $1.50 a gallon. Get the Stevia here.

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