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Wine Caddys from H & K Steel Sculptures: Protect Your Bottle!


Wine Caddys from H & K Steel Sculptures: Protect Your Bottle!

Maybe the only possible thing wrong with a bottle of good wine is that it comes in a breakable container. It is so sad to watch a grown man (me) cry when a bottle accidentally gets knocked off the counter and hits the floor with a crash. Not to mention the mess that broken glass and red wine can make on a floor.

We used to joke that if you ever dropped a glass in my family’s kitchen that everyone would be banned from that room for a month by my mom and her fear of slivers in our slippers. If we had ever shattered a whole wine bottle, I imagine she would have made us sell the house and move.

So here’s where the extensive line of quirky creative wine caddy steel sculptures from H & K come in handy. Not only are they a good way to protect your expensive bottle until its time for drinking, but they’re also fun little sculptures to dress up your home. Additionally, they would make a wonderful way to dress up a gift bottle instead of the same old raffia bag or brown paper sack. Spend a little less on the bottle and more on the presentation, and all you have to do is pop the head on the bottle to wrap it.

Wine Caddys from H & K Steel Sculptures: Protect Your Bottle!
Each piece is made with recycled materials by European craftsmen and comes with certificates of authenticity to ensure that you’re not just giving some knock-off. Their website features over 150 designs divided onto various themes, sports and professions, so there’s sure top be something for the oenophile (that’s a fancy word for “wino”) on your holiday shopping list.

The prices for these objets d’art range from about $40 to $90. I received the Elvis impersonator edition,

Wine Caddys from H & K Steel Sculptures: Protect Your Bottle!

and think it is an absolutely hilarious way to display my “drunka’ drunka’ burnin’ love.” As much as I like it, it will probably end up as a gift for the holidays, with the hopes that maybe they’ll return it back with a different bottle in it for my birthday. Now to start checking my list to see who’s been naughty and who’s been nice…

Find the perfect gift for the wine lover on your list at the website.

Wine Caddys from H & K Steel Sculptures: Protect Your Bottle!


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