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iSmartAlarm Puts Your iPhone in Charge of Security



One of the really cool parts of being at CES was the chance to check out accessories and products that are up and coming. Of those, there were more than a few that hooked into the ubiquitous iOS ecosystem. We carry our iPhones and iPads everywhere, and companies are taking them beyond just email and Angry Birds machines to a whole new level. In the case of  iSmartAlarm, they’re looking to turn your iPhone or iPad into part of a home security system!

We stopped by their booth at CES and they were kind enough to give us a quick rundown on how the iSmartAlarm will work:

iSmart Alarm, a CES 2013 Gear Diary Booth Visit

They are currently seeking funding through IndieGoGo, so be sure to take advantage of the pre-order pricing (the company assures us they are using IndieGoGo to gauge preorders, and orders will be shipped even if they don’t hit their funding goal.)

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