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Chevy Volt at SXSWi Review


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Chevy Volt, loaned to me for the week of South by Southwest Interactive for review purposes

When it comes to car reviews, Gear Diary has some experienced people to check things out for you. But this time, neither our intrepid (and superlative) car reviewer David Goodspeed — and how excellent is that a name for a car reviewer, right? “Goodspeed”? Awesome! — nor our fearless lead editor, Judie (who has done car reviews before as well), could attend South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi) this year. On the other hand, ol’ Doug lives in Austin. So I got the chance, for the week surrounding SXSWi, to tool around in a new Chevy Volt hybrid car! What did I think? Read on and find out!

First I want to let you all know my prejudices. I have wanted electric cars to be successful for a long time. Growing up during the first oil shock back in the 70s, it was obvious we were going to have to power our transport system with something other than fossil fuels. People have been looking into multiple different options — electric cars, hydrogen-powered/fuel cell cars, even ones powered by flywheels! — but it’s electric cars that have gotten the most attention. After all, if you can just plug in your car to your house current, the car companies won’t have to build an entire new infrastructure to take over from the millions of gas stations currently dotting the countryside. That’s a big plus. Also no tanker trucks carting the gasoline around; no giant, leaky tankers on the water hauling crude oil back and forth; etc.

But I have always been disappointed by the reality of electric cars. The first serious stab at it was the EV1, also by General Motors like the Volt. The EV1 had a recharge time of 8-12 hours, with a range of less than 100 miles. It was only a two-seater, and didn’t exactly come with all the amenities–cruise control, power windows, and the like. Plus it looked goofy. It was a first stab, after all.

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EV1; Photo courtesy of

Car makers have an answer in the hybrid. Hybrids have both a gas and electric motor. This gives you greater range, doesn’t put you at the mercy of an engine that could cut out on you at 50 miles, and ensures that should your battery bail out on you, you have that good ol’ internal-combustion engine to get you where you need to go.But we’ve had 20 or more years of development since the EV1, right? And it’s true: electric cars now come with as many bells and whistles as your ordinary car–air conditioning, power windows, cruise, and everything else the modern driver expects. And while yes, they’re still small, you have 4-seat electric cars now. But the problem is, the charge time on them is still in the 8-12 hour range, and they still have a range of less than 100 miles. Which is a big issue for most people.

A lot of car manufacturers say things like, “Well, if you only commute 15 miles each way, that’s more than enough range!” The problem with that is, as Carly found out, you end up doing a ton more driving than just your commute. That run to the dry cleaner during lunch. Your jaunt over to your chiropractor appointment. Picking up your daughter at school and taking her to her theatrical costuming class. Taking the dogs on their walkies at your local leash-free dog park. And on and on. (And in the San Francisco Bay Area, where I lived for 25 years, it seems like you have to get in your car for everything, and everything seems at least 5 miles away.) So 100 miles or less (usually less) simply doesn’t cut it.

Which brings us to the Chevy Volt. The Volt is Chevy’s hybrid. Chevy has taken the lessons that they learned with the EV1, clearly looked at the kinds of things you get in a Prius, and come up with I think is a really solid entrant in the hybrid category.  As I mentioned, I got a chance to use a Volt for an entire week, and forced myself to use it as my daily car for all uses, from tooling around town between SXSWi venues to driving kids hither and yon to (light) grocery shopping.

Chevy has come a long way in the last few years. My experience with Chevys in the past (through rental cars, generally) has not been happy; I have been quite displeased with how they drive, their road and engine noise, the fit and finish of their cars, and many other issues.  But after my experience with a Camaro rented from Enterprise last April (“Everyone wants a Camaro” the nice young lady at GM’s Austin customer service office told me when I mentioned to her how much I had liked it), and now with the Volt, I am comfortable saying that they have really made quantum leaps.  And I say this as the owner in my life of two Toyotas, three Hondas, and a BMW, just so you know where I’m coming from.  I have a huge distrust of domestic auto makers, and I was genuinely impressed.

Chevy Volt at SXSWi

Chevy Volt in my driveway along with our Shih-tzu/poodle mix, Rosie (Isabelle the Corgi in the background sniffing a tree); charging unit on grass in foreground

I use a Honda Accord as my daily driver, so my first impression was, “Ah, right; a compact!  I remember those!”  But it’s not tiny, and it’s not ugly, as so many compacts can be.  It’s a nice, solid, decent-looking compact.  The head, leg, and interior room is exactly what you would expect in a compact with one exception:  There is a large transmission hump through the center of the car, much like in a front-engine, rear-wheel drive vehicle.  This means that it is a four-seater and no nonsense; no fitting an extra small kid in the middle in the back.

Chevy Volt at SXSWi

Back seat

I was very glad to have an entire week with the Volt, because in my experience, no matter how good a new car is, it takes you a while to get used to the fact that it’s different from your old car.  The buttons and dials and readouts are in different places; the controls are laid out differently; things works just a bit differently.  I’m glad I got a chance to get over that so that when I complain about something below, it’s because I genuinely don’t like it, and not simply because it’s “different”, if you know what I mean.

Chevy Volt at SXSWi

The “Cockpit”

The Volt uses a fob rather than a key, which means that you don’t have to insert anything into the ignition, you just need to put your foot on the break and press the “Start” button to get going (so long as the fob is in range of the car).  I understand this is pretty common with European cars, but it’s new to me, and took me a bit to get used to.   But I’ll tell you, once I did, I loved it.  I could keep the fob in my pocket or hooked onto the carabiner on my gear bag and never take it out.  This may seem like a small thing, but after a week of not having to fumble for keys, fiddle with fitting them into the ignition in the dark, and all the other nonsense associated with keys, I got to absolutely love it and hated going back.  Good choice there, GM!

chevy volt key fob

The magic fob!

The car is of course a hybrid, with a maximum electrical motor range, according to GM and the dash readout, of 34 miles (or so, depending on conditions, and that’s right about what I got).  On regular house current, it take frigging forever to charge the thing from zero — I did it once, and it took somewhere around 12 hours.  GM says that it only takes two-three hours using a “Type 2” charger, i.e. one that you install in your house (or at charging stations around town), and honestly I believe them.

Since most of my driving is around town, other than the once for experimental purposes, it never went down to zero, and I got into the habit of simply plugging it in whenever I got home, like I do with my iPhone whenever I get back to my desk.  It did make me worry a bit about the various electrical components, though; is the charger unit okay when it rains?  What about the plug on the car itself?  I don’t have a garage or car port, so if I have an EV, that charger unit is going to be out there in the open basically all the time.  How will it stand up to the elements?

Chevy Volt at SXSWi

Charging unit; it’s a bulky sucker

If you plug in the car to charge and it is not plugged in properly, it beeps at you.  I’m sure that the particular tone the car uses indicates all kinds of details — You’re not fully plugged-in! You’re too close to something on the side! You’re too close to something in the back! etc. — but I never did get used to them enough to decode them all.    I got used to the, “You’re not plugged in properly!” one, though, because I heard it a lot; either the plug unit is a bit persnickety, or I’m just lame at plugging it in.  I report, you decide!

Why not just keep it in the car itself, or sitting on the porch under cover, you might ask?  Well, it’s heavy and bulky, for one; hauling it around is a PITA.  And second, getting it in and out of its under-the-floorboards location in the hatch is a real PITA; even the guy who picked up the car had trouble with it.  So leaving it out, exposed to the elements, is the obvious easiest solution for the user, and I have to think it won’t hold up to well under that.  If you have a garage, you’re probably fine.  If not? Well …

Chevy Volt at SXSWi

What you see when you open the door and the car is charging

Here are my impressions from driving it around town:

Chevy Volt at SXSWi

And here’s where that power comes from.

Chevy Volt at SXSWi

The main speedometer and power readout behind the steering wheel

With regard to the equipment, my model was fully loaded, with power doors, windows, mirrors, seat-warmers, and pretty much every other modern convenience.  What did I think of all the gadgets and gizmos?

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Power button is the blue thing just to the left of the gear shift; parking brake is the little lever just to right of the gear shift

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The infotainment system main menu

A couple of other things I want to note about the Volt in closing:

Chevy Volt at SXSWi

Note the little silver button; keep the fob in your pocket and just press that sucker to unlock!

chevy volt

Nothing under the floor there but a battery and a space for the charger.

chevy volt

chevy volt

So what did I think of the Volt?  I liked it; I could easily see myself driving it regularly, especially given my “work at home” schedule and the fact we have a giant Honda Odyssey minivan for our second car.  Could I use it if I had to commute?  Probably, although I would end up using gas more (horrors!).  The kids just loved it, and kept asking if we could keep it.  Which is notable, given that they are (respectively) 17 and 14; the 17 year-old (Maggie) wondered if we could get one for her, and given that the 14 year-old (Joseph) is as nuts about fancy cars as you can imagine, that’s something to bear in mind.

The Volt is not flashy; it’s not powered to blow your doors off or styled to turn heads like the Camaro, no.  And no, it’s not a family hauler, either; it’s a compact with limited trunk/hatch space, so you’re not going camping with three kids in this thing.  What it is, is comfortable, solid, easy to drive, and easy to use (if you see the difference).  I know I’m repeating myself here, but the fit and finish of the GM cars that I’ve driven lately continues to very much impress me, and the Volt was no exception; if you’ve shied away from American cars (as I have!) for that reason in the past, then you might want to reconsider.  (I’m serious.  I’m really picky about that sort of thing.)  I loved the key fob, and I really liked being able to park closer in at parking garages because I was in an EV.

I want to make one final note here — and I will cover this topic more thoroughly in a different post — GM is making a massive (and clearly expensive) effort to improve their “customer relations”.  They are taking a very “Genius Bar” approach to customer contacts, and want to cut their response time down when a customer contacts them via email, regular mail, phone, Twitter, Facebook, or whatever to minutes rather, than hours or day.  I don’t know how well this is playing out with GM customers overall, but it was certainly the case for me that whenever I needed anything — even something as simple as the price of the car — I heard back from my contact within minutes.  Yes, yes; I’m a reviewer, and they want to impress me.  But believe me, faithful Gear Diary readers, it’s more rare than you might think when doing product reviews (how many times has Dan written about bad customer experiences?), so it’s absolutely worth mentioning.

If we were in the market for a new car, I would definitely consider the Volt.

What it is: 2013 Chevy Volt gas-electric hybrid
MSRP: $39,145 (base); $45,690 (as driven) [not including the famous “destination charge”, of course!]–a bit steep yes, but the U.S. government offers a (I believe) $7500 tax credit on purchase

chevy volt

Charging socket with plug inserted


chevy volt

Gas tank


chevy volt

Close-up of the electrical charging socket


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