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NHTSA Release New Traffic Safety Facebook Game



The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants you to stay safe this holiday weekend and looks to reach a wide audience with their traffic safety messages through their new Memory-type game  “Buzzed. Busted. Broke.” now on Facebook. Players choose a difficulty (easy, medium, or hard), then click panels on a board to match pairs and win.

The game is a new twist on the familiar photo match game — except in this version, all the images are related to buzzed driving, which gets players thinking about possible scenarios involving alcohol intoxication and drunk driving. THe NHTSA collaborated with Play API to create a platform that would be engaging but still deliver important public safety messages like their “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving” campaign.

According to NHTSA, July 4th is one of the deadliest times on the roads. From 2007 to 2011, 40 percent of all fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes around the July 4th holiday involved a drunk driver.  “Buzzed” drivers who have “only a few” drinks often do not consider themselves a hazard on the roads. But they can rack up $10,000 in fines, legal fees and increased insurance rates if they get pulled over. Or, worse, they can produce tragic consequences.

Stay safe, and enjoy this holiday weekend!

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